Myanmar – Lake Inle
Supported association : Sein Hla Nanda Regional Development The goal : Contributing to saving the lake 1. To change uncultivated wild floating islands to cultivated land, this not only increase cultivated land but also lake surface area to store water during rainy seasons. 2. To make natural fertilizer from uncontrollable water hyacinth which blocked the narrow water-ways when water level drops. 3. To grow vegetables and fruits on the newly raised floating islands with 'Good Agriculture Practice (GAP) to reduce chemical fertilizers and pesticides which contaminated lake water for decades. 4. To establish farmer field-school for the farmers in and around the lake to acknowledge Good Agriculture Techniques. 5. To develop Agro-tourism sector which is not yet widely known in this country. 6. To create sanctuaries, shelters, spawning grounds and nurseries for the endangered species some only found in this region.
Administrative address for funds:
Un repas pour notre Avenir Association
Attention Michel Baumann
5a route de Sauverny – CH-1290 Versoix – Suisse
Bank details : PostFinance SA
Mingerstrasse 20
3030 Bern
CP 12-151335-7
IBAN : CH08 0900 0000 1215 1335 7